Peer Review Process


Manuscript submitted to CHANGLUN will be evaluated through two review process: namely pre-review (conducted by Journal Editor) and review (conducted by reviewers).

Author(s) uses the same submission (not adding new submission) when submitting a revision.

  1. The pre-review process: Journal editor will check the suitability of the manuscipt with the journal focus and scope, and journal writing guidelines. After going through these stages, the journal editor will check for plagiarism and whether the article has been published before in any way. By Editor's decission, only manuscripts that have passed the pre-review process will be considered for review. 
  2. Review process: The manuscript will be reviewed by reviewers who are experts in the related area. This journal uses Open Review Process, where duration of review is about 10 weeks. There is no guarantee acceptance for publication for any manuscript in the review process. Therefore, the revised manuscipt from the author(s) must be in accordance with the reviewer's input. The decision will be based on the comments of reviewers, upon their review of the revised manuscript.
  3. Journal editor (authorized by Editor in Chief) will decide whether the article will be published or not, based on the recommendations from reviewers.
  4. The whole review process can be seen on the website.