Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi ACTA DIURNA (JAD)  is a peer-reviewed journal published by Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, started in 2004, with eISSN 2620-6676 and pISSN 1412-6443. JAD is a national journal that aims to develop Communication Science by disseminating research in various fields of Communication, including media dan culture studies, political communication, cross-cultural communication, business communication, organizational communication, and health communication. JAD publishes the journal biannually in April and October. JAD clarifies ethical behavior for all parties involved, including authors, editor-in-chief, Editorial Board, reviewers, and publisher. JAD provides free access for the online versions to support knowledge exchange globally.

Current Issue

Vol 20 No 1 (2024)

We express our gratitude to Allah SWT. for publishing Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Acta Diurna Vol. 20 No. 1, 2024. This edition has the spirit of two national day in May, namely National Education Day on May 2 and National Awakening Day on May 20. These two national day themes are relevant to Indonesia's efforts to build a golden generation of the nation's successors, who are highly competitive and have a strong sense of nationalism.

Communication is critical to the education process and national awakening. Several articles in this edition attempt to explore various aspects of communication that play a role in improving the quality of education and strengthening the national spirit. For instance, the article "Communication Patterns from Parents to Children in Broken Home Families Experiencing Family Dysfunction" indirectly addresses the role of educational communication within the family. The "East Sumba Regency Government Public Service Communication Through Website Implementation in the e-Government Services Sector" article explores how the state apparatus serves its citizens, embodying the national spirit.

Apart from these two themes, several articles in this edition discuss the environment, social media, and political communication. These last three issues complement the spirit of spreading communication studies, making it more down to earth.

We hope that the journal publication in this edition can make a significant contribution to the development of communication science in particular and the development of Indonesian people towards the golden era of 2045 in general. Thank you to the authors, reviewers, and all parties who have contributed to the publication of this journal. Acta Diurna: Keep Moving Forward with the Spirit of Communication Publication.

Published: 2024-05-23


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Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi ACTA DIURNA (JAD)  is a peer-reviewed journal published by Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, started in 2004, with eISSN 2620-6676 and pISSN 1412-6443. JAD is a national journal that aims to develop Communication Science by disseminating research in various fields of Communication, including media dan culture studies, political communication, cross-cultural communication, business communication, organizational communication, and health communication. JAD publishes the journal biannually in April and October. JAD clarifies ethical behavior for all parties involved, including authors, editor-in-chief, Editorial Board, reviewers, and publisher. JAD provides free access for the online versions to support knowledge exchange globally.