About The Journal
Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
- The Article is an original work of the author and the team based on real research results have not and will not be published in any media.
- The Article, free from plagiarism including self-plagiarism (Article was reviewed independently by the application of anti-plagiarism. Click the icon of Grammarly at sidebar).
- The Article contains research related to communication (see focus and scope).
- The Article uses Bahasa Indonesia, consisting of 7000 words, Times New Roman 12, spacing 1.5, A4, margins 4 for top and left, 3 for bottom and right.
- The title contains maximum 12 words, without abbreviations, 14-point Times New Roman, Capitals, Bold, center, space 1, without subtitles and punctuation.
- The names of all authors are written in complete without abbreviation, without a title, 12-point Times New Roman, Capital Each Word, not bold, center, space 1
- The name of the institution of each author listed only the names of colleges or corporate institutions (without abbreviated, without a description of faculties, divisions, departments etc.). Example: Universitas Jenderal Soedirman or PT. Telkom Indonesia.
- The correspondence of all authors is written in footnote form on the first page, consisting of: full name, title, institution, institution address, email of each author.
- Authors should use an appropriate email address. An example of inappropriate email: sicantikmira@gmail.com
- Abstract, made in essay form consists of introduction, purpose, method, conclusion, written in 1 (one) paragraph, 10 point Times New Roman, space 1, paragraph justify, 200-250 words, no numbering, created in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
- Keywords consist of 5 relevant words/phrases.
- The manuscript consists of 7000 words.
- Footnote usage is not allowed, authors should write it in body notes.
- Quotation of more than 3 lines should write in direct quotation style (1 spacing with margin indented).
- Every paragraph should use a tab / 7 beats, consisting of at least 2 sentences, space 1.5, justify, 12 point Times New Roman.
- Sub-chapter that not included in point 16 above is not allowed. Sub-Chapter should be written with 1.5 spacing, Capital, 12 point Times New Roman, bold, left margin.
- INTRODUCTION shouldconsist of:
- background problem with supporting data must be attached,
- research objectives and review of relevant research (contains the latest journal citation, obliged to quote 2 articles from Jurnal Kajan Komunikasi, see the archives menu),
- the relevant theoretical foundation/concept.
- RESEARCH METHODS should consist of:
- the type of research, (each citation must be attached),
- subject and object,
- data collection techniques,
- data analysis techniques,
- the location and time of the research.
- RESULTS and DISCUSSION should contain:
- The findings of the research, supported by a number of references (Journal of 60% + non-journal 40% with year reference max 10 years),
- Results should contain at least one table or one picture and maximum 6,
- The sources should write on the left bottom of the table.
- The title of the table placed above the table, left margin, 12-point Times New Roman, bold, and space 1.
- Tables created without a vertical line. See example below.
- Pictures could be graphics, diagrams, schematics, photos. The title, source, and picture should be grouping, so it will not rupture when the layout created.
- The title of the image should be placed below the image, left margin, 12-point Times New Roman, bold, space 1, and the source listed in the bottom left of the image. See example below:
Sumber: okezone.com, 2017
Gambar 1 Gedung MNC Gropup
- CONCLUSION contains research findings. It should answer research goals and give applicative recommendations. Moreover, it must be written in a paragraph without numbering.
- Follows the APA style (American Psychological Association) http://www.apastyle.org
- Suggested using Mendeley (click the Mendeley icon in home)
- Arranged by alphabetic
- Comprised at least 15 reference sources
- It must cite 2 articles from Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi (see the archive menu)
- References with maximum 10 years
- References consist of 60% journal and 40% non-journal