• Vol 20 No 2 (2024)

    In the publication of Acta Diurna Journal Vol. 20 No. 2, October 2024 this time, we as Editor in Chief share the happiness of having the opportunity to witness the transition of the leadership of the Republic of Indonesia, from President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, to President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka. This transition also marks a new spirit in building the country towards the ideals of Golden Indonesia in 2045.

    As a medium for publishing academic ideas in the form of research results in the field of communication, the Acta Diurna Journal also takes the initiative to provide suggestions for discourse on thought, or provide constructive criticism as a form of academic freedom based on scientific values ​​and social responsibility. In addition, the Acta Diurna Journal also acts as a bridge of knowledge between researchers and lay readers, by presenting studies that are relevant to the dynamics of communication in various areas of life.

    This edition presents several diverse themes, starting from articles with digital communication issues; such as the title Communication Netnography in Online Gaming Communities on Discord, to the theme of cross-cultural communication in the article title Motivation for Treasure Maker to Love Boyband Treasure. We believe that only through high academic standards can the ideas born from this journal have a real impact on the development of communication science, while also answering the increasingly complex needs of society.

    Finally, there are always shortcomings in every effort made by humans. Likewise, we realize that in every publication there are always shortcomings, both in the presentation process and the substance conveyed. Therefore, we apologize for any shortcomings, and hope for input from readers for improvements in the next edition. Thank you for the support and trust of readers in the Acta Diurna Journal. Happy reading!

  • Vol 20 No 1 (2024)

    We express our gratitude to Allah SWT. for publishing Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Acta Diurna Vol. 20 No. 1, 2024. This edition has the spirit of two national day in May, namely National Education Day on May 2 and National Awakening Day on May 20. These two national day themes are relevant to Indonesia's efforts to build a golden generation of the nation's successors, who are highly competitive and have a strong sense of nationalism.

    Communication is critical to the education process and national awakening. Several articles in this edition attempt to explore various aspects of communication that play a role in improving the quality of education and strengthening the national spirit. For instance, the article "Communication Patterns from Parents to Children in Broken Home Families Experiencing Family Dysfunction" indirectly addresses the role of educational communication within the family. The "East Sumba Regency Government Public Service Communication Through Website Implementation in the e-Government Services Sector" article explores how the state apparatus serves its citizens, embodying the national spirit.

    Apart from these two themes, several articles in this edition discuss the environment, social media, and political communication. These last three issues complement the spirit of spreading communication studies, making it more down to earth.

    We hope that the journal publication in this edition can make a significant contribution to the development of communication science in particular and the development of Indonesian people towards the golden era of 2045 in general. Thank you to the authors, reviewers, and all parties who have contributed to the publication of this journal. Acta Diurna: Keep Moving Forward with the Spirit of Communication Publication.

  • Vol 19 No 2 (2023)

    Dear readers, in October 2023, our country's public is excited by the political contestation that will determine the nation's future. This month, the public has begun to be able to determine their political choices, with the inauguration of three pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates, according to the list: Anies Baswedan - Muhaimin Iskandar, Prabowo Subianto - Gibran Rakabuming Raka, and Ganjar Pranowo - Moh. Mahfud MD.

    There was a lot of drama and political intrigue in determining the three presidential and vice presidential candidates. However, the public is now more intelligent and has sufficient literacy to assess the capacity of each candidate pair. The information media currently has an abundance of data that explains their track record and state vision, although, of course, the public needs to remain alert to the potential for increasingly rampant hoaxes.

    Dear readers, Acta Diurna Volume 19 Number 2 of 2023 contains academic articles with various exciting studies in the field of communication science. For example, the article by Pratiwi and Nurprojo examines the institutionalization of political parties at the district level. Apart from that, social media and virtual world studies are also attractive to the authors. For example, Sapari et al. wrote an article with themes of narcissism in using the Tiktok application, Hani et al. regarding virtual births, and Tambunan et al. regarding communication ethics in social media.

    What is interesting about other writers is about teenagers or young people. As written by Jati et al. against adolescent resistance, then Atmanegara et al. regarding communication strategies for adolescent athletes. Public relations is also concerned with Anggriyani's writings about the crisis in companies and Alwaton about the crisis in the National Police.

    Ultimately, enjoy reading the Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Acta Diurna Volume 19 Number 2 of 2023. Hopefully, it will add to the discourse regarding communication science studies in Indonesia.

  • Vol 19 No 1 (2023)


    Sidang pembaca yang terhormat, pada terbitan tahun ke-19 ini, Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Acta Diurna (JAD) bersyukur atas perpanjangan keanggotaan Asosiasi Penerbit Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Indonesia (APJIKI) melalui Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) bernomor 244/MOU/APJIKI/II/2023 tertanggal 17 Februari 2023 pada acara Kongres II di Jakarta. Pada kesempatan ini juga JAD turut mengucapkan selamat atas terpilihnya Prof. Dr. Rajab Ritonga, M.Si. sebagai Ketua APJIKI periode 2023-2026, yang mengemban amanah untuk tetap menghidupkan penerbitan semangat komunikasi.

    Di penghujung Ramadhan 1444 Hijriah tahun ini, terdapat delapan artikel yang diterbitkan JAD, yang membawa tema-tema mengenai media relations, analisis isi, serta penelitian-penelitian lapangan mengenai komunikasi digital dan kearifan lokal masyarakat. Terima kasih kepada para kontributor dan reviewer atas kerjasamanya. Semoga semua kontribusi tersebut mampu menjadi bahan bakar semangat bagi tim editor JAD untuk dapat melalui periode reakreditasi dengan baik di tahun ini. Muara dari itu semua, JAD berkomitmen untuk tetap dapat konsisten melayani terbitan akademis komunikasi.

    April 2023
    Chief Editor

  • Vol 18 No 2 (2022)


    Di akhir tahun 2022, di antara ingar bingar kegiatan G20 di Bali, dan gebyar Piala Dunia di Qatar, ternyata ada kabar yang cukup mengkhawatirkan. Angka kasus baru COVID-19 mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan. China sebagai negara yang menerapkan kebijakan zero case COVID-19, bahkan melaporkan adanya kematian, setelah beberapa waktu tidak ada catatan kasus baru yang berarti.

    Pembaca yang mulia, pada penerbitan Jurnal Acta Diurna kali ini, para penulis menyajikan ragam penelitian mereka dalam kesemangatan membangun kembali ilmu komunikasi pascapandemi. Judul seperti “Komunikasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Luar Biasa Risantya Bandung pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19”, dan “Perencanaan Komunikasi Pemasaran Sana Studio dalam Memasarkan Studio Olahraga di Masa Pandemi COVID-19” merupakan penelitian yang bersemangat mengeksplorasi manajemen komunikasi di era pandemi.

    Isu-isu marketing dan branding tampaknya menarik minat para peneliti pada penerbitan di tahun ke-18 ini. Judul seperti “Branding Perusahaan Kawan Dokter Melalui Kegiatan Komunikasi antara Pimpinan dan Karyawan”, “Peran Instagram dalam Strategi Digital Public Relations bagi Industri Perhotelan di Kota Malang”, dan “Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Pedagang Online di Pusat Pasar Medan”, merupakan beberapa contoh artikel penelitian yang mengambil tema-tema marketing dan branding. Memang, sektor ekonomi adalah hal pertama yang harus diperhatikan setelah era pandemi usai.

    Pembaca yang terhormat, pada akhir tahun 2022 ini segenap redaksi Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Acta Diurna berharap ramalan dunia mengenai resesi di tahun depan tidak terjadi. Semoga kita semua dapat menyongsong tahun baru yang lebih baik dibanding sebelumnya. selamat membaca dan mensitasi artikel-artikel penelitian terbaru. Kami juga selalu berdoa semoga kita dikaruniai kesehatan, keberkahan dan kesemangatan dalam menjalani tahun 2023 dan seterusnya. Amin.


    Purwokerto, November 2022

    Chief Editor

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