Model Pemulihan Ekonomi Berbasis Komunikasi Pembangunan bagi Masyarakat yang Terkena Bencana di Kawasan Obyek Wisata Pantai

  • eni nur aeni


There are a lot of difference policies for regional governments in Cilacap and Bantul after
earthquake and tsunami on July, 17 2006. Cilacap government didn’t give any programs to recover
economical situation to their people except rebuild facilities around tourism at Widarapayung
beach. Also in Bantul government, there is not program for to recover tourism activities because
there thougt that they have not any victims in that tsunami at Parang Tritis beach. Although they
gave relocation program to their people but the program was not purposed to recover after tsunami.
They had a plan to relocate trade location before the tsunami was coming. The most reason to
relocate for people trading was to rearrange old location to new one and make the beach was
shown clean and comfort for tourism acitivities. It is different if it’s compare to Ciamis government
policy to give recovery programs for their people at Pangandaran Beach. The programs
were used to recovery tourism activities. In earlier program, people participation was involved by
government. They were participated in economical recovery program planning. However largely
people in Pangandaran feel this recovery programs although they are not participated in implementation
phase. From this data, it is too difficult to try the economical recovery program as a
model at Pangandaran beach to Widarapayung beach and Parang Tritis beach. This research
used qualitative method with indepth interview and observation to collect data.

How to Cite
AENI, eni nur. Model Pemulihan Ekonomi Berbasis Komunikasi Pembangunan bagi Masyarakat yang Terkena Bencana di Kawasan Obyek Wisata Pantai. Acta Diurna: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, may 2021. ISSN 2620-6676. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi:

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