Komunikasi Pemasaran Politik Elite PKS Kota Bandung

  • muhammad sulthan


This study aims to known what, how the elite PK-Sejahtera elite and political elite PKSejahtera
convey political messages, manage the political sense of the other party and how he
knew it as a political message contained in the persuasive value. Research conducted through an
inductive qualitative study of elite PK-Sejahtera, political elite PK-Sejahtera. Data obtained from
an informant posing as PK-Sejahtera elites,
The results showed that individual background PKS elites, political elites and the PKS regeneration
and recruitment process is to determine the performance and impression management
of a politician, the way they give the impression and the sense of a political message, how to display
the political role and how they communicate the message -political message was different
from other politicians. Because all informants, originating campus activists, and none of the informants
in this study had active in other parties. Thus, in managing the impression, fashion is not
something that is very important attributes that must be optimally packaged, the most important is
the quality of the politician's "Clean and Care" Model tarbiyah conducted by elites PKS in the recruitment
system and system construction regeneration already a cadre of reality into reality politics
in the form of impression management. The political image of PKS who had been awakened as
a party "Clean and Caring" I managed to make differentiation with other political parties. Symbolicsymbol
'clean-caring' people have started asking people even believing not just clean but can
clean and repair the damage. So that PKS politicians in applying Goffman Dramaturgy back stating
that the stage must be something different than the front stage, where social events and formal
display behavior that is not generally have to be in back stage. But it does not fully apply to PKS
politicians either front stage or back stage in setting the political scene remains the same ie the
parliamentary mission - "Clean and Caring"

How to Cite
SULTHAN, muhammad. Komunikasi Pemasaran Politik Elite PKS Kota Bandung. Acta Diurna: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, feb. 2011. ISSN 2620-6676. Available at: <https://jos.unsoed.ac.id/index.php/acta_diurna/article/view/4217>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.20884/1.actadiurna.2011.7.1.4217.

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