• Dedi Kurnia S. Putra Universitas Telkom Bandung


The relation of interest between Pikiran Rakyat (HUPR) and West Java Provincial Government (West
Java Provincial Government), especially in the case of public information disclosure, became an
important focus in this research. Through the discourse study formulated by Teun A. Van Dijk, this
research seeks to reveal how the HUPR plays a role in the production of news discourse. Then, the
issue of this discourse is seen from Gramsci's assumption of hegemony. Some of the findings lead to a
pattern of mutual interest, both HUPR and West Java Provincial Government. The interest is in the
form of image and reputation related to information disclosure on the side of the power of government,
and the economic side of the circulation of advertising suppliers in HUPR by the Government from the
side of HUPR. Of course, the interest, established because of the pull of power in producing
information that later in the consumption by the public on a permassive basis. Furthermore, these
conditions resulted in the finding that the greatest cooptation was successfully carried out by the
Government, while the HUPR had no significant power in drafting its own discourse, as it had been
systematically dictated by the Government, both economically, politically and socially. This research
confirms that HUPR does not perform its function as sharing information as knowledge, but only as a
medium or a tool of government power in creating legitimacy of reputation as an open government.
Gramsci through the theory of Hegemony (1991) believes that the government will use all resources to
preserve its power. And that power was conseptualized by Van Dijk through the construction of media
discourse. With this assumption, then what is happening between HUPR and the government is a
mutual attraction of interests related to power in each corridor. Media with the interests of capital,
and the government with the interests of reputation and image.

How to Cite
S. PUTRA, Dedi Kurnia. MEDIA DAN WACANA: TELAAH KETERBUKAAN INFORMASI PUBLIK DI PROVINSI JAWA BARAT. Acta Diurna: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, apr. 2018. ISSN 2620-6676. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025. doi:

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