• Henny Sri Mulyani Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Herlina Agustin Universitas Padjadjaran


Communication media is a source of power, a control tool that can be utilized as a substitute for power
or other resources, besides the media is a vehicle that plays a role to socialize the events of community
life both individually and collectively. To provide food availability independently and sustainably it
needs a breakthrough program through the concept of gardening in the yard of the house or the use of
empty land for planting productive crops. The purpose of research to find out how the background of
media usage, type of media used and the form of presentation of messages used in the socialization of
urban farming program in the city of Surabaya. The research method used is descriptive qualitative
with data collection interview, observation and literature study. The results showed that the delivery of
agricultural messages in urban areas from the Surabaya City Agriculture Office to poor families
(Gakin) scattered in 31 sub-districts did not use mass media on the grounds that the gakin community
rarely mengengan radio, see television and read the print media so generally the delivery of direct
messages done facilitator in this case PPL to poor community society by direct way of technical
guidance in the form of group. Media used more to media antarpersona communication. Message
delivered on how to do urban farming activities for vegetables with a short harvest period of
approximately one month, the use of narrow land in the yard so as to support household-scale food
security and add green or green open space.

How to Cite
MULYANI, Henny Sri; AGUSTIN, Herlina. PENGGUNAAN MEDIA KOMUNIKASI DALAM SOSIALISASI PROGRAM URBAN FARMING DI KOTA SURABAYA. Acta Diurna: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, apr. 2018. ISSN 2620-6676. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025. doi:

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