The relationship between knowledge level and adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment at primary health centers (Puskesmas) in Pekalongan city, Central Java, Indonesia

  • Purgiantari Purgiantari Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Purwokerto (Indonesia)
  • Masita Wulandari Suryoputri Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Purwokerto (Indonesia)
  • Nialiana Endah Endriastuti Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Purwokerto


Background: Adherence is one of the most critical factors in the success of pulmonary tuberculosis therapy. Non-compliance of patients taking anti-tuberculosis drug results in a high rate of treatment failure, increasing the risk of disease severity and death.

Objective: This study aims to investigate the impact of knowledge level on patient compliance in taking anti-tubercular medication.

Methods: This observational, cross-sectional study employed a total sampling method. The levels of knowledge and compliance were assessed using a validated questionnaire administered to patients with pulmonary tuberculosis at the Pekalongan City health center (Puskesmas).

Results: Among the 52 participants, 44.23% (n=23) demonstrated a high level of knowledge, and 86.5% (n=45) exhibited good compliance. Spearman correlation test analysis revealed a significant influence of knowledge level on patient compliance in taking antituberculosis drugs (p=0.001, r=0.341), indicating that higher knowledge levels correspond to better patient compliance.

Conclusion: The study suggests that patient compliance with antitubercular medication improves as knowledge level increases.

How to Cite
PURGIANTARI, Purgiantari; SURYOPUTRI, Masita Wulandari; ENDRIASTUTI, Nialiana Endah. The relationship between knowledge level and adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment at primary health centers (Puskesmas) in Pekalongan city, Central Java, Indonesia. Acta Pharmaciae Indonesia : Acta Pharm Indo, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 5661, nov. 2022. ISSN 2621-4520. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi: