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Physical Activity Journal (PAJU) is a forum for scientific papers that can accommodate various multidisciplinary sports in the field of sports (physical education, sports science, sports coaching), as well as related scientific branches such as sports medical, public health, sports psychology and sports physiotherapy. We accept articles based on research results, conceptual ideas as well as the results of theoretical based librarian studies that have been studied scientifically. Articles submitted for publication in the PAJU journal are not being proposed in other scientific journals and have not been published by any scientific journal or journal institution.
National Collaborations
ISORI Jawa Tengah
PAIFORI Jawa Tengah
International Collaboration
Published by : Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Street of Dr. soeparno Karangwangkal
Purwokerto, Banyumas Central Java, 53123 Indonesia
Jurnal Physical Activity Journal (PAJU) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.