Jurnal Forensik dan Medikolegal Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Forensic and Legal Medicine) (EISSN. 3032-310X | P-ISSN. 2656-2391) is an official scientific media and professional organization of the Indonesian Forensic Doctors Association (PDFI) which is twice edition a year (June & December).

This journal contains the results of research, literature reviews, case reports, case studies and other scientific results in the Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal Science Field.

The editorial board accepts submissions of manuscripts for publication, from academics of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal, Professionals and other academic communities who fulfill the published requirements in accordance with the guidelines of writing, and have been reviewed by partners.


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Vol 5 No 2 (2024): Jurnal Forensik dan Medikolegal Indonesia
Diterbitkan: 2024-08-30


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For researchers and academics who interesting to contribute in Indonesian Forensic and Legal Medicine Journal are welcome to send the results of his research to us. For two editions in 2025 (Volume 5 No. 1 for Januari and Volume 5 No. 2 for Juli) we only accept articles in English. Indonesian Forensic and Legal Medicine Journal already accredited in DOAJ, DOI, Google Scholar, and Indonesia One Search.

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