Studi Kasus Paguyuban Forum Komunikasi Sekretaris Desa Kecamatan Sokaraja (FOKUSS), Kabupaten Banyumas
In accordance with the mandate of Law Number 6 Year concerning on the Village, the Village Secretary has the task of assisting the Village Head and coordinating the Village Secretariat. Gap in competence among Village Secretaries is exist, which arguably is influenced by the matters of technical and non-technical aspects. The establishment of the Sokaraja Subdistrict Village Secretary Communication Forum Association (FOKUSS) is therefore considered as an effort to overcome the problems faced by the Village Secretaries. The purpose of establishing FOKUSS Association is to overcome problems faced by the Village Secretaries in carrying out his duties, building a shared perception of village-related regulations, helping and supporting each other in carrying out responsibilities and obligations. The establishment of FOKUSS was supported by the District, and Village Facilitators (PD) as village partners. FOKUSS Association activities are carried out in both routine and incidental basis. The technical assistance carried out by FOKUSS Association in increasing the capacity of the Village Secretaries is through training and personal mentoring. Media or means that are carried out both in person (meetings) and online by activating the WhatsApp group media communication.
The method used by this research is qualitative one with a case study approach. The technique used to select the respondents is purposive sampling, in which researcher chose people who presumably understand and are actively involved and competent to specific issues. The data collection technique was carried out by means of in-depth interviews and observations. Data analysis was performed using qualitative data analysis techniques which is the Miles and Huberman model.
This research found that the role of the FOKUSS Association in increasing the capacity of village secretaries through mentoring went well in various ways as follows: Village Secretaries have successfully increased their ability to carry out work roles according to their duties and functions so that they are able to carry out assignments on time, the District Government appreciation by involving FOKUSS Association administrators as training resource persons, FOKUSS Association becomes a place for discussion and consultation with village assistants who are coming from area outside of Sokaraja District. The means carried out by FOKUSS Association Assistance in increasing the capacity of village secretaries is through training and personal mentoring. Media or means used directly (meetings) and online by activating the WhatsApp group media communication.