Studi Kasus Orangtua Tunggal di SMA NU Nurul Ulum Kabupaten Brebes
Religious education in the family is education given by parents to their children in the family environment to form The child's personality becomes a Muslim who is consistent with the teachings that come from the Qur'an and Sunnah, whose goal is to become a survivor in the hereafter. Of course, there are differences in the process of socialization or inculcation of religious values between intact families and families that are only cared for by single parents, especially in low SSE conditions.
The method used is descriptive qualitative. The technique of taking informants was purposive sampling, in which the researcher chose people who were considered to know about this problem and were competent. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews and observations. The data analysis technique in this study used qualitative data analysis by Miles and Huberman's model.
The results showed that the success of religious education in the single mother family is strongly influenced by the character and understanding of the religion of the parents, family and neighbor support, basic religious education for children and a conducive environment.
Key word: Islam education, socialization and single mother