Gerakan Sosial Masyarakat

Studi Tentang Perlawanan Masyarakat terhadap Rencana Pembangunan Pabrik Semen Gombong di Desa Sikayu, Kecamatan Buayan, Kabupaten Kebumen

  • singgih bayu pamungkas Peneliti Mandiri


This research discusses about the social community movement at Desa Sikayu and its surrounding in terms of doing resistance towards the plan construction of PT Semen Gombong. The goal of this research is to study the background of the movement against PT Semen Gombong, actors who involved in social movement and the form of social movement ignoring the establishment of PT Semen Gombong. The process of resisting then framed by repertoire theory and new social movement theory. The result of this study shows that there are social organizations: Kars Zone Community (KMKK) and Peolple’s Union of South Kars Gombong Rescuers (PERPAG) made as a forum for the community to carry out resistance towards this issue. These social organizations were established by the community based on people’s anxiety and issues about bad effects caused by the establishment of PT Semen Gombong. Various attempts have been made by KMKK and PERPAG to foil the construction of PT Semen Gombong such as demonstrating, putting up banners about refusing its construction, discussing with the government, and making petitions about this issue. The government and PT Semen Gombong have made an offer to Sikayu’s people and its surrounding but there is no good response from them. The people just want its cancelled. The existence of different opinion makes the problem has not reached the light.


Keywords : social movements, form of resisting the construction of PT Semen Gombong, KMKK and PERPAG.

How to Cite
PAMUNGKAS, singgih bayu. Gerakan Sosial Masyarakat. JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman), [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 43-61, oct. 2020. ISSN 2581-0316. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025. doi: