Sridadi Village, Sirampog District is one of the villages producing Arabica Coffee in Brebes Regency. So far, the cultivation results produced by coffee farmers are still sold in the form of cherry coffee which has a low economic value, which is less than IDR 8,000. There is a small part that has been processed into green beans and roast beans, but still on a small scale and household scale. Even then, they still use traditional mortar and pestle tools. In addition to the conventional cultivation methods, during the main harvest there are difficulties in drying the harvest, due to high humidity and rainfall. Due to these conditions, the village empowerment team (PDB) of the Universitas Peradaban and Unsoed funded by DRTPM in the first year (2024) carried out community service through various training, workshops and appropriate technology grants. In the implementation of appropriate technology, 1 unit of pulper (wet seed peeler) with a capacity of 150 kg/hour, Huller (dry seed peeler) with a capacity of 100 kg/hour and a greenhouse measuring 54 m2 (6 m x 9 m) have been donated. The results of this service have increased the production capacity of peeling at least 6 times previously from 150 kg/day to 900 kg/day. And the dry peeling capacity of 100 kg to 600 kg/day. For drying, it is also efficient because farmers no longer need to lift and dry coffee in the afternoon or when it rains. Farmers only need to turn it over so that the dryness is evenly distributed. With the greenhouse system, it also dries faster because the heat is stored and trapped, and the capacity increases 3 times because the drying is arranged in 3 layers.