Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) Embrio Ikan Nilem (Osteochilus vittatus) pada beberapa tahap perkembangan
Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) merupakan prekusor gamet yang penting dalam reproduksi ikan. PGCs dialokasikan di luar gonad dan bermigrasi menuju gonad primordia selama masa perkembangan embrional ikan. Pengetahuan mengenai alokasi dan migrasi PGCs penting dalam pengembangan model penelitian gametogenesis dan peningkatan produksi akuakultur. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui lokasi PGCs pada tahap embrio ikan nilem menggunakan metode hibridisasi in situ dengan penanda vasa germ cell ikan nilem. Embrio ikan nilem umur 30 menit, 60, 180 dan 240 menit paska fertilisasi difiksasi dalam NBF 10% kemudian didechorionasi. Selanjutnya dilakukan hibridisasi in situ dengan penanda vasa germ cell ikan nilem. PGCs pada embrio ikan nilem ditemukan pada daerah di sekitar alur pembelahan blastomere pada embrio umur
30 menit, 60 menit dan terdeteksi pada blastoderma di daerah kutub animalis pada embrio umur 18 menit dan 240 menit yang telah memasuki tahapan blastula dan gastrula.
Aalto A, Olguin-Olguin A and Raz E E. 2021. Zebrafish Primordial Germ Cell Migration. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 9:684460.
Cantú, A. V., Diana J. Laird. 2017. A Pilgrim's Progress: Seeking Meaning In Primordial Germ Cell Migration. Stem Cell Research (24), pp. 181–187.
Cao, M., Y.Yang, H.Xu, J. Duan, N. Cheng, J. Wang,W. Hu, H. Zhao. 2012. Germ cell specific expression of Vasa in rare minnow, Gobiocypris rarus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 162, pp. 163–170.
Coelho, G. C.Z., I. S. Yo, T. M. Mira-López, P. S. Monzani, D. R. Arashiro, T. Fujimoto, J. A. Senhorini and G. S. Yasui. 2019. Preparation Of A Fish Embryo For Micromanipulation: Staging Of Development, Removal Of Chorions And Traceability Of PGC In Prochilodus Lineatus. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 63, pp. 57-65.
Denkers, N., P. G.-Villalba, Ch. K. Rodesch, K. R. Nielson, and T. Jo Mauch. 2004. FISHing for Chick Genes: Triple-Label Whole-Mount Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Detects Simultaneous and Overlapping Gene Expression in Avian Embryos. Developmental Dynamics 229, pp. 651–657
Habibah, AN, Pertiwi RPC, Sulistyo I. 2022. Toksisitas limbah cair batik terhadap perkembangan embrio ikan nilem (Osteochilus vittatus). Prosiding Pengembangan Sumber Daya Perdesaan dan Kearifan Lokal Berkelanjutan XI. Purwokerto, 12-13 Oktober 2021.
Lee, S., Woo Young Bang, Hee-Sun Yang, Dae-Sung Lee, Ha Yeun Song. 2021. Production Of Juvenile Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) From Spermatogonia-Derived Sperm And Oogonia-Derived Eggs Via Intraperitoneal Transplantation Of Immature Germ Cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications .535
Li, Yu, W. Song, Y. Fei Zhu, T. Yu Zhu, L. Bo Ma, M. You Li. 2019. Evolutionarily conserved vasa identifies embryonic and gonadal germ cells in spinyhead croaker Collichthys lucidus. J Fish Biol., pp. 1–9.
Lin, F., Qinghua Liu, Mingyou Li, Zhendong Li, Ni Hong, Jun Li, Yunhan Hong. 2012. Transient and Stable GFP Expression in Germ Cells by the vasa Regulatory Sequences from the Red Seabream (Pagrus major). Int. J. Biol. Sci. 8 8(6), pp. 882-890
Miguel, M. P. De, Yago Alcaina and Diego Sainz de la Maza. 2017. Primordial Germ Cell Reprogramming.
Nagasawa, K. Jorge M.O. Fernandes, Goro Yoshizaki, Misako Miwa, And Igor Babiak. 2013. Identification and Migration of Primordial Germ Cells in Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar: Characterization of Vasa, Dead End, and Lymphocyte Antigen 75 Genes. Molecular Reproduction & Development 80, pp. 118–131.
National Human Genom Institute. 2024. In Situ Hybridisation. [Online] Tersedia pada: [Diakses 22 Februari 2024].
Yoon, Ch., Koichi Kawakami and Nancy Hopkins. 1997. Zebrafish Vasa Homologue RNA Is Localized To The Cleavage Planes Of 2- And 4-Cell-Stage Embryos And Is Expressed In The Primordial Germ Cells. Development 124, pp. 3157-3166.
Nugrahesthi, G.H., Wijayanti, G.E. And Habibah, A.N., 2023. Embryo and larvae development of Nilem Fish, Osteochilus vittatus reared in batik liquid waste. Nusantara Bioscience, 15(1).
Saito, Taiju, T. Fujimoto, Sh. Maegawa, K. Inoue, Minoru Tanaka, Katsutoshi Arai and Etsuro Yamaha. 2006. Visualization of Primordial Germ Cells In Vivo. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 50, pp. 691-700.
Simanjuntak SBI, Wijayanti GE. 2005. Penggunaan hormon untuk inkubasi pemijahan Ikan Nilem (Osteochilus hasselti). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi dan Akuakultur Berkelanjutan. Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto.
Škugor, A. Krasimir Slanchev, J. Seilø Torgersen, H. Tveiten, Ø. Andersen. 2014. Conserved Mechanisms for Germ Cell-Specific Localization of nanos3 Transcripts in Teleost Species with Aquaculture Significance. Mar Biotechnol, 16, pp. 256–264.
Vauti F, Stegemann LA, Vo¨gele V, Ko¨sterRW.2020. All-Age Whole Mount In Situ Hybridization To Reveal Larval And Juvenile Expression Patterns In Zebrafish. PLoS ONE 15(8): e0237167.
Wang, X., Qinghua Liu, Yongshuang Xiao, Yang Yang, Yanfeng Wang, Zongcheng Song, Feng You, Hao An, Zhizhong Xiao, Shihong Xu, Daoyuan Ma, and Jun Li. 2015. The dnd RNA Identifies Germ Cell Origin and Migration in Olive Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) BioMed Research International Vol., Article ID 428591, 9
Yoon, Ch., Koichi Kawakami and Nancy Hopkins. 1997. Zebrafish Vasa Homologue RNA Is Localized To The Cleavage Planes Of 2- And 4-Cell-Stage Embryos And Is Expressed In The Primordial Germ Cells. Development 124, pp. 3157-3166.
Yoshikawa,H., D. Xu, Y. Ino, T. Yoshino, T. Hayashida, J. Wang, R. Yazawa, G. Yoshizaki, and Y. Takeuchi. 2018. Hybrid Sterility in Fish Caused by Mitotic Arrest of Primordial Germ Cells. Genetics Society of America.
Zhou Li, Xueying Wang, Shuran Du, Yanfeng Wang, Haixia Zhao, Tengfei Du1, , Jiachen Yu, Lele Wu, Zongcheng Song, Qinghua Liu and Jun Li. 2020. Germline Specific Expression of a vasa Homologue Gene in the Viviparous Fish Black Rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii) and Functional Analysis of the vasa 30 Untranslated Region. Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 28 October 2020.
Cantú, A. V., Diana J. Laird. 2017. A Pilgrim's Progress: Seeking Meaning In Primordial Germ Cell Migration. Stem Cell Research (24), pp. 181–187.
Cao, M., Y.Yang, H.Xu, J. Duan, N. Cheng, J. Wang,W. Hu, H. Zhao. 2012. Germ cell specific expression of Vasa in rare minnow, Gobiocypris rarus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 162, pp. 163–170.
Coelho, G. C.Z., I. S. Yo, T. M. Mira-López, P. S. Monzani, D. R. Arashiro, T. Fujimoto, J. A. Senhorini and G. S. Yasui. 2019. Preparation Of A Fish Embryo For Micromanipulation: Staging Of Development, Removal Of Chorions And Traceability Of PGC In Prochilodus Lineatus. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 63, pp. 57-65.
Denkers, N., P. G.-Villalba, Ch. K. Rodesch, K. R. Nielson, and T. Jo Mauch. 2004. FISHing for Chick Genes: Triple-Label Whole-Mount Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Detects Simultaneous and Overlapping Gene Expression in Avian Embryos. Developmental Dynamics 229, pp. 651–657
Habibah, AN, Pertiwi RPC, Sulistyo I. 2022. Toksisitas limbah cair batik terhadap perkembangan embrio ikan nilem (Osteochilus vittatus). Prosiding Pengembangan Sumber Daya Perdesaan dan Kearifan Lokal Berkelanjutan XI. Purwokerto, 12-13 Oktober 2021.
Lee, S., Woo Young Bang, Hee-Sun Yang, Dae-Sung Lee, Ha Yeun Song. 2021. Production Of Juvenile Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) From Spermatogonia-Derived Sperm And Oogonia-Derived Eggs Via Intraperitoneal Transplantation Of Immature Germ Cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications .535
Li, Yu, W. Song, Y. Fei Zhu, T. Yu Zhu, L. Bo Ma, M. You Li. 2019. Evolutionarily conserved vasa identifies embryonic and gonadal germ cells in spinyhead croaker Collichthys lucidus. J Fish Biol., pp. 1–9.
Lin, F., Qinghua Liu, Mingyou Li, Zhendong Li, Ni Hong, Jun Li, Yunhan Hong. 2012. Transient and Stable GFP Expression in Germ Cells by the vasa Regulatory Sequences from the Red Seabream (Pagrus major). Int. J. Biol. Sci. 8 8(6), pp. 882-890
Miguel, M. P. De, Yago Alcaina and Diego Sainz de la Maza. 2017. Primordial Germ Cell Reprogramming.
Nagasawa, K. Jorge M.O. Fernandes, Goro Yoshizaki, Misako Miwa, And Igor Babiak. 2013. Identification and Migration of Primordial Germ Cells in Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar: Characterization of Vasa, Dead End, and Lymphocyte Antigen 75 Genes. Molecular Reproduction & Development 80, pp. 118–131.
National Human Genom Institute. 2024. In Situ Hybridisation. [Online] Tersedia pada: [Diakses 22 Februari 2024].
Yoon, Ch., Koichi Kawakami and Nancy Hopkins. 1997. Zebrafish Vasa Homologue RNA Is Localized To The Cleavage Planes Of 2- And 4-Cell-Stage Embryos And Is Expressed In The Primordial Germ Cells. Development 124, pp. 3157-3166.
Nugrahesthi, G.H., Wijayanti, G.E. And Habibah, A.N., 2023. Embryo and larvae development of Nilem Fish, Osteochilus vittatus reared in batik liquid waste. Nusantara Bioscience, 15(1).
Saito, Taiju, T. Fujimoto, Sh. Maegawa, K. Inoue, Minoru Tanaka, Katsutoshi Arai and Etsuro Yamaha. 2006. Visualization of Primordial Germ Cells In Vivo. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 50, pp. 691-700.
Simanjuntak SBI, Wijayanti GE. 2005. Penggunaan hormon untuk inkubasi pemijahan Ikan Nilem (Osteochilus hasselti). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi dan Akuakultur Berkelanjutan. Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto.
Škugor, A. Krasimir Slanchev, J. Seilø Torgersen, H. Tveiten, Ø. Andersen. 2014. Conserved Mechanisms for Germ Cell-Specific Localization of nanos3 Transcripts in Teleost Species with Aquaculture Significance. Mar Biotechnol, 16, pp. 256–264.
Vauti F, Stegemann LA, Vo¨gele V, Ko¨sterRW.2020. All-Age Whole Mount In Situ Hybridization To Reveal Larval And Juvenile Expression Patterns In Zebrafish. PLoS ONE 15(8): e0237167.
Wang, X., Qinghua Liu, Yongshuang Xiao, Yang Yang, Yanfeng Wang, Zongcheng Song, Feng You, Hao An, Zhizhong Xiao, Shihong Xu, Daoyuan Ma, and Jun Li. 2015. The dnd RNA Identifies Germ Cell Origin and Migration in Olive Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) BioMed Research International Vol., Article ID 428591, 9
Yoon, Ch., Koichi Kawakami and Nancy Hopkins. 1997. Zebrafish Vasa Homologue RNA Is Localized To The Cleavage Planes Of 2- And 4-Cell-Stage Embryos And Is Expressed In The Primordial Germ Cells. Development 124, pp. 3157-3166.
Yoshikawa,H., D. Xu, Y. Ino, T. Yoshino, T. Hayashida, J. Wang, R. Yazawa, G. Yoshizaki, and Y. Takeuchi. 2018. Hybrid Sterility in Fish Caused by Mitotic Arrest of Primordial Germ Cells. Genetics Society of America.
Zhou Li, Xueying Wang, Shuran Du, Yanfeng Wang, Haixia Zhao, Tengfei Du1, , Jiachen Yu, Lele Wu, Zongcheng Song, Qinghua Liu and Jun Li. 2020. Germline Specific Expression of a vasa Homologue Gene in the Viviparous Fish Black Rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii) and Functional Analysis of the vasa 30 Untranslated Region. Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 28 October 2020.
How to Cite
HABIBAH, Aulidya Nurul; WIJAYANTI, Gratiana Ekaningsih.
Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) Embrio Ikan Nilem (Osteochilus vittatus) pada beberapa tahap perkembangan.
BioEksakta : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Unsoed, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 22-26, mar. 2024.
ISSN 2714-8564.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 feb. 2025.