Publication Ethics
For Publication
- All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two reviewers who are expert in their subject.
- The originality, soundness, novelty and language are factors that are taken into account in review by reviewers.
- The result of review is categorized into: (a) eligible to publish without revision, (b) eligible to publish with minor revision, (c) eligible to publish with major revision, (d) rejection.
- There is no guarantee that the revised submission will be accepted even authors are encouraged to revise and resubmit the manuscript.
- Rejected manuscript will not be re-reviewed.
For Editor
- Editors have full responsibility and authority to reject/accept a manuscript.
- Editors should guarantee the quality of the papers published.
- Editors should provide all information required by authors to improve the publication.
- Editors should preserve the identity or anonymity of reviewers.
- Editors should not allow any conflicts of interest among authors, reviewers and board members.
For Authors
- Authors have to certify that the manuscript has not previously been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
- Authors have to certify that manuscript submitted is free from plagiarism.
- Authors have to follow the author guideline
- Authors state that all data analyzed are real.
For Reviewers
- Reviewers should evaluate a manuscript solely on academic merits, in which if a conflict of interest is detected it should be immediately notified to the editor.
- Reviewers have to keep all information related to the manuscript reviewed.
- Reviewers should review a manuscript objectively.
- Reviewers should notify clearly on unclear statement written by authors.
- Reviewers should not review manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulted from competitive or relationships with any of the authors.
- If plagiarism is detected, reviewers should notify the editors immediately.