Auditor Perspective in Fraud Detections Using Emotional and Spiritual Quotient
This study aims to determine the effect of emotional, spiritual, and intellectual intelligence in detecting fraud. This research is focused on internal and external auditors in South Sulawesi. There were 72 respondents as the sample in this study, using a sampling technique in the form of simple random sampling. Data collection method using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear analyses. The study's results found that two variables in this study were proven to be significant, and one variable was not. So, Spiritual and Intellectual Intelligence positively affect fraud detection, while emotional intelligence does not positively affect fraud detection. High quality of intellectual intelligence in an auditor can produce good performance because, with good performance, the percentage automatically detects fraud is higher because the auditor is able to assess the quality of his performance properly; besidesthat, high spiritual intelligence in auditors makes his work more convincing and maximum. However, Emotional Intelligence does not affect the audit results, so it does not significantly influence detecting fraud. However, with the condition that the auditor has intellectual intelligence and is accompanied by high spiritual intelligence, he is able to maximize the auditor's performance in detecting fraud.
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