Performance: Jurnal Personalia, Financial, Operasional, Marketing dan Sistem Informasi
Performance: Jurnal Personalia, Financial, Operasional, Marketing dan Sistem Informasi is our bianually peer-reviewed journal, designed to accommodate research articles in the domain of management science. This journal has been published by Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman since 2003. We invite articles in all functional area of management, which mainly about (but not limited to) Human Resource, Marketing, Financial, Operational and Strategic Management.
Our office is in Laboratorium Terpadu Lantai 4 (Pusat Pengelolaan Jurnal) Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis - Kampus UNSOED, Grendeng, Purwokerto 53122
Online ISSN 2615-8094 Print ISSN 1829-6467
Terbitan Terkini
Vol 31 No 2 (2024): Performance
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