Author Guidlines
General Instructions
Medical and Health Journal is six-monthly Periodic Journal (February and August) containing various articles/ manuscripts in the forms of research article, systematic reviews, case reports in the field of medicine focusing on basic medicine, clinical medicine, biomedical sciences, medical biotechnology, and public health. This journal only receives full original article that has never been published in a journal or other publication forms, or being sent to another journal at the same time. Manuscript sent to Mandala of Health has been approved by Ethic comitee.
The entire manuscript management process is done online through web pages
The reviewed manuscript can be categorized into 4, namely the manuscript is accepted without repairing (Accepted Submission), the manuscript requires authors revision before acceptance (Required Revision), the author must make fundamental improvements and the manuscript will go through a review process again (Resubmit for Review), and the manuscript cannot be accepted for publication (Decline Submission). Duration of 2 weeks is given to improve since the result is announced. The authors, who do not improve the manuscript within 2 weeks, are automatically considered canceling the publication and also cancelling all previous acceptance statement.
Manuscript withdrawal in the review process can’t be done. Manuscript that has been accepted cannot be withdrawn.
Accepted manuscript will be through a process of editing by the editors. The author then must approve the results of editing, through copying editing stages in accordance with the instructions given. Approval time is not more than one week. After the editing approval process, the manuscript undergoes layout process before publication. The author also must give approval to lay out results of publication within one week.
Manuscript writing
Authors are invited to submit electronically 10-12 pages full paper through journal website The submitted paper should follow the format available on the author guidelines.