Construction of Metacognition Skills Through Students` Worksheet with Problem Based Learning Approaches

  • S Haryani
  • A D Astiningsih
  • K I Supardi
  • C Kurniawan


Student worksheets usually contain direct instruction for student to fill in, without any individually thinking steps was involved. Therefore, it is necessary to develop student worksheet which can lead the student to construct their knowledge. This research aimed to determine the worthiness and the effectiveness of student worksheet with problem based learning approaches through Reseach and Development (R&D) method. The instruments used in this research consist of experts validation sheets, students and teachers response sheet, Metacognitione Activities Inventory (MCA-I) questioner, test with metacognition indicators, and affective and psycomotoric observation sheets. The data were analysed by using descriptive quantitative method involving three experts on teaching materials, topic, and language aspects. The results show that 29.33; 26.67; and 22 on “very worthy” grade. The N-gain on metacognition analysis test at 0.70 with “high” grade and the MCA-I indicators was increased from 57.35 to be 78.01 with metacognition skill grade from began to grow then increased to be well developed. On the other hand, the student and teacher response were positive. These results indicate that the student worksheet with problem based learning approaches effectively improve the student metacognition aspects.

How to Cite
HARYANI, S et al. Construction of Metacognition Skills Through Students` Worksheet with Problem Based Learning Approaches. Proceeding of Chemistry Conference, [S.l.], v. 2, p. 37-41, apr. 2017. ISSN 2541-108X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 mar. 2025.