Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics
Insignia: Journal of International Relations is a double-blind reviewed electronic journal that can be widely accessed. Hence, it is committed to upholding the standards of ethical behavior commonly practiced in reputable international journals for all parties involved in the process of publishing articles in the journal. The following ethic rules were composed in regard to COPE and Elsevier Guidelines.
Ethics for Editorial Team (in accordance with the COPE's Ethical Editing for New Editors)
Editors should be held accountable for everything published in Insignia, and this includes the willingness to publish corrections and clarifications required.
Upon carrying out their duties, editors should act based on fair and unbiased judgement. Their duties should be carried out without discrimination on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious neither political beliefs.
Editors should provide clear guidelines for authors and reviewers.
Editors should handle submissions in a fair, unbiased, and timely manner and treat all manuscripts as confidential. Manuscript distributions to others is prohibited and distributions should only be done for peer-review purposes.
Editors should generate systems to ensure that peer reviewer identities are protected.
Editors should make decisions based on quality regarding which articles to get published, and this should be taken after considering evaluation from reviewers as well as without interference from the publisher, department, faculty, and university that Insignia associates with and belongs to.
Editors should generate systems to manage their conflicts of interest as well as conflict of interest with authors and reviewers.
Ethics for Authors (in accordance with Duties of Author of Elsevier)
Authors should comply with all editorial policies, including issues related to the focus and scope of the journal, guidelines for authors, plagiarism and the publication fee which had been recorded in the journal's website.
The author should declare that all work cited in their submitted article is original and that they have appropriately cited the content from other sources to avoid plagiarism.
Authors should ensure that their contribution does not contain any defamatory matter or infringe upon any copyright or other intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party.
The listing of authors should accurately reflect who carried out the research and wrote the article, and all the co-authors should jointly determine the order of authorship.
Authors should ensure that their manuscript as submitted is not under consideration (or accepted for publication) elsewhere. Should there any section of the manuscript overlapping with published or submitted content, this should be acknowledged beforehand and cited.
Authors should obtain permission to reproduce any content from third-party sources.
Authors should openly note all funding resource for their research papers as well as other sources of support for the manuscript, typically in an acknowledgment.
Authors should declare any potential conflicts of interest relating to a specific article.
Authors should inform the editorial team if there is a significant error in their published article, and work with the editorial team to publish corrections when necessary.
Ethics for Peer Reviewer (in accordance with the COPE's Ethical Guide for Peer Reviewers)
Reviewers should provide assistance in improving the quality of a submitted article by reviewing the manuscript with care, consideration, and objectivity promptly.
Reviewers should inform the editorial team of any published or submitted content that is similar to any material under review, or other manners of suspected plagiarism.
Reviewers should declare any potential conflicts of interest relating to a specific article or author.
Reviewers should respect the confidentiality of any information or material attained during the review process.
The editorial team does not explicitly publish reviewers' identities.
Reviewers should be unbiased toward the manuscripts.
Reviewers have their rights to refrain from the editorial team to cite their comments explicitly.