The Use of Molasses in Producing Bioethanol Catalyzed by Candida tropicalis (Isolated from Cocos nucifera. L) Immobilized MnFe2O4 Coated-Chitosan

  • Getari Kasmiarti Doctoral Program of Environmental Science, Graduate Program Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang 30139, Indonesia
  • Hermansyah Hermansyah Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indralaya 30662, Indonesia
  • Novia Novia Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Indralaya 30662, Indonesia
  • Poedji Loekitowati Hariani Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indralaya 30662, Indonesia


Bioethanol is a sustainable fuel product to be an alternative energy source. Therefore, the study aims to observe and analyze the effect of MnFe2O4 coated-chitosan in increasing bioethanol production. This bioethanol was produced from molasses with a high total sugar content of up to 50% with Candida tropicalis as the microorganism. Fermentation is divided into two parts, namely using free C. tropicalis and C. tropicalis immobilized MnFe2O4 coated-chitosan. There was electrostatic interaction between MnFe2O4 and chitosan in 578 cm-1 and 659 cm-1 of FTIR, cubic spinel pattern in XRD, and SEM surface image of C. tropicalis immobilized MnFe2O4 coated-chitosan interaction. These characterization results show very good properties as a biocatalyst. The highest concentration was produced by fermentation using C. tropicalis immobilized MnFe2O4 coated-chitosan about 4.35% with residual sugar of 8.46 g/L. In summary C. tropicalis immobilized MnFe2O4 coated-chitosan have the potential to improve bioethanol products.


How to Cite
KASMIARTI, Getari et al. The Use of Molasses in Producing Bioethanol Catalyzed by Candida tropicalis (Isolated from Cocos nucifera. L) Immobilized MnFe2O4 Coated-Chitosan. Molekul, [S.l.], v. 19, n. 1, p. 180-188, mar. 2024. ISSN 2503-0310. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 mar. 2025. doi: