NGO dalam Diplomasi Ekonomi: Implementasi Program Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) Poin Pengentasan Ketimpangan Sosial di Indonesia

  • Achmad Ismail Universitas Indonesia



Perubahan konstelasi global memberikan dampak nyata dari segi aktor diplomasi ekonomi. Jikalau dahulu hanya negara dan MNC yang saling berinteraksi, kini dunia internasional memasukan NGO dan IGO kedalam interaksi diplomasi ekonomi saat ini dengan perannya masing-masing. INFID sebagai NGO berperan penting terhadap aktor diplomasi ekonomi lainnya. Lebih lanjut, dalam diplomasi ekonomi transnasional memiliki spesialisasi dengan memasukan isu transnasional, aktor NGO dan IGO di dalamnya. Artikel ini lebih spesifik menelaah implementasi SDGs di Indonesia –isu pengentasan ketimpangan sosial sebagai isu transnasional menunjukkan tren meningkat di dunia, khususnya di Indonesia. Artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus maupun studi pustaka. Di lain sisi, artikel ini pula berargumen bahwa INFID memiliki peran penting dalam diplomasi ekonomi transnasional Indonesia dengan cara memberikan peran aktif dengan berbagai cara dalam proses pengambilan kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia maupun pada pertemuan PBB terkait implementasi SDGs poin pengentasan ketimpangan sosial. Pada kesimpulannya, isu pengentasan ketimpangan sosial menjadi isu transnasional yang semakin penting. Merespon isu tersebut, INFID sebagai NGO memiliki peran penting terhadap pengambilan kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia sebagai bagian diplomasi ekonomi transnasionalnya. 

Kata kunci: NGO, pengurangan ketimpangan sosial, SDGs, diplomasi ekonomi transnasional



Changes in the global constellation have a real impact in terms of economic diplomacy actors. If in the past only the state and MNC interacted with each other, now the international world has included NGOs and IGOs ​​into the interaction of current economic diplomacy with their respective roles. INFID as an NGO plays an important role in other economic diplomacy actors. Furthermore, in transnational economic diplomacy has a specialization by including transnational issues, NGO and IGO actors ​​in it.  This article is more specific examine the implementation of SDGs in Indonesia - the issue of alleviating social inequality as a transnational issue shows an increasing trend in the world, especially in Indonesia. This article uses qualitative research methods with case study approach and literature studies. On the other hand, this article also argued that INFID has an important role in the Indonesia's transnational economic diplomacy by playing an active role in various ways in the Indonesian government's policy-making process as well as at UN meetings related to the implementation of the SDGs to reduce social inequality. In conclusion, the issue of alleviating social inequality has become an increasingly important transnational issue. Responding to the issue, INFID as an NGO has important role in the Indonesian government's policy making as part of its transnational economic diplomacy.

Keywords: NGOs, social inequality alleviation, SDGs, transnational economic diplomacy


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How to Cite
ISMAIL, Achmad. NGO dalam Diplomasi Ekonomi: Implementasi Program Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) Poin Pengentasan Ketimpangan Sosial di Indonesia. Insignia: Journal of International Relations, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 1-12, mar. 2019. ISSN 2597-9868. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 apr. 2024. doi:

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