- Article should at least consist of these parts: Introduction, Literature Review and Hypothesis Development (only literature review for qualitative research), Research Method, Result and Analysis, Conclusion and Reference. Acknowledgement (if any) should be placed after the Conclusion and before the Reference.
- Article must be written on A4 paper size with Arial 11 pt font size and 1 spacing, except for direct quotation. Direct quotation should be typed using single line spacing and in indented style.
- Page margin should at least 2,5 cm for all sides (top, bottom, up right and left)
- Article should be written efficiently in approximately 10 to 15 pages.
- All pages must be numbered, including reference and appendix.
- Authors are encouraged to use Mendeley or other applications for citation and referencing.
- Manuscript must follow IJIBE template of manuscript. Template for authors can be downloaded here.
- Bullet and Numbering are now allowed to be written on the article.
Structure of Article:
- Title. Title in English should consist of no more than 15 words.
- Name of Authors, Institution and Email. Name of authors without academic degree. Coresponding author must stated his/her email.
- Abstract and Keywords. Abstract are written preferable from 100 to 250 words and needs to be written in English. Abstract should provide summary of purpose of the article, method, result and conclusion. Abstract should also be followed by keywords of 3 to 5 words.
- Introduction. Provides explanation of research background, purpose of the research and research contribution.
- Literature Review and Hypothesis Development, contains previous literatures related to the research and explains the hypothesis development.
- Research Method,describes research plan or research design, research object and target (population and sample), technique in collecting research data, research model and rechnique used for analysis.
- Result and Analysis. Present result of data analysis, hypothesis testing, answer of research question, as well as finding and its interpretation.
- Conclusion. Describes the research conclusion, limitation of the research, and suggestions for conducting future research.
- Reference: included minimum 15 articles from Reputable International Journal and/or Accredited National Journal
Table and Figure (Graph):
- Table and figure should be efficiently presented (only for table and figure with the result of data) and are placed on the article. Table and figure presented on the appendix are to show the data processing.
- Table and figure must be numbered in sequence and be given a title that reflects its contents.
- Reference of table and figure must be mentioned on the article.
- Author should mention on the article where table and figure are attached.
- Table and figure should be able to be interpreted without referring to the article.
- Source of table and figure should also be presented.
- Figure must be prepared in a printable version.
Citation & Reference:
Citation on text is written based on APA reference style
Not less than 90% of the total cited literature should be taken from the articles of the Reputable International Journal and/or the Accredited National Journal. The suggested references are the most recent publications (within the last 8 years). Articles in preparation, unpublished observations, and personal communication should not be included in the reference list but should only be mentioned in the article text. The other references can come from textbooks, proceedings, or other valid scientific sources. Information sources that come from online sites (internet) are allowed if the sources are trustful and accountable, such as research institution site, universities, and governments.
We HIGHLY recommend that authors use reference managers such as End Note, Mendley.
How to send an article:
Article should be on Microsoft Word format, CV authors exclude from the actile file. All submision should be submit from