About The Journal
Author Guidelines
- JMP accepts articles on research, thoughts and views, or review articles in all areas of mathematics, statistics, computing, and mathematics education. Specifically for review articles are considered to be loaded if written by a person deemed an expert or at the request of the editor.
- Articles received are original articles that have not been and are not under consideration for publication in other publications.
- The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English on A4 size paper. Left, right, and lower borders are 4 cm, 4 cm, 3 cm, and 3 cm, respectively. The font is Times New Roman with a size of 12 pt and is written with a spacing of 1.5 spaces with MS Word or Latex program.
- The systematics of the article include:
- The title of the manuscript is written in capital letters, brief and clear. The author's name is written complete without a title and is placed under the title. Below the author's name is the institution where the author is affiliated, followed by the author's email address below.
- Abstracts are written in English with a single spacing and 11 pt letter size, no more than 200 words followed by key words.
- Introduction contains background, problem formulation, objectives, and benefits or research contributions.
- Research Methods (for experimental research articles) contain all matters related to the steps or ways of research, research data, as well as tools and research materials.
- Results and Discussion, contains the results of research that has been obtained and discussion of the results.
- Conclusions and Suggestions, contains conclusions from the results of research that has been done and suggestions related to the results of research that has been obtained.
- Acknowledgments, if necessary, are addressed to those who have contributed to the skill and writing of the article.
- Bibliography
- Bibliography is written sequentially inalphabetical name of the author with the following conditions:
- For the book: principal name (surname), abbreviation of author's original name, title of book, volume, edition, publisher name, publisher place, publishing year. For example: Bartle, RG and Sherbert DR, Introduction to Real Analysis , Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000.
- For articles in magazines / scientific journals: principal name (surname), initial name abbreviation, article title, magazine / journal name, volume (number) (year), start and end pages of articles. For volume numbers printed in bold. Examples: Bougoffa, L. and Moulay, MS, A Class of Composite Type Equations , J. Indones. Math. Soc. (MIHMI), 11 (1) (2005), 1-8.
- For articles in scientific meeting proceedings: principal name (surname), initial name abbreviation of author, article title, editor name, proceeding name, name of scientific meeting organizer, place of scientific meeting meeting, organizing year, start page and end of article. For example: Prasad, P., Propagation of Curved Non Linear Wavefronts and Shock Fronts , Proceedings of International Conference on Apllied Mathematics 2005, in Andonowati et al. (Eds.), ITB, Bandung, 2005, 22-34.
- For articles in the book: principal name (surname), initial name abbreviation of author, article title, editor name, Book title, publisher name, publisher place, publishing year, start and end pages of articles. For example: Lindstrom, T., A Set of Hyperreals , Cutland, N. (ed.), Nonstandard Analysis and Its Application, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1980, 4-21.
- For articles from internet sites: principal name (surname), initial name abbreviation of author, article title, place of publication, publishing year, article source site name, download time. For example: Addy, SK, Neural Net Generated Seismic Map and Its Application in Various Geologic Environment , CGG-ASI-Houston, 1998, http://www.flagshipgeo.com/texmex ., Accessed on May 25, 2006.
- The literature quote in the manuscript is written in parentheses containing the family name and the year of publication. For authors of more than two, in parentheses the first family name was followed by word et al. Or et al and year published. For example: (Chow, 2007), (Ishikawa et al., 2005).
- Any tables and drawings such as diagrams, graphs, or photographs should be numbered according to the sequence of reference in the article text with a sentence or phrase that describes the contents. If there is only one table or image in a single article then the image does not need to be numbered. The numbers and captions are placed underneath the image.
- The article template can be downloaded here .